Thursday, September 11, 2008

End of Summer...

Labor Day Camping Trip (Part 1)

We went camping in the Sisters Wilderness area over the Labor Day weekend. We were at Three Creeks Lake which is at 6600 feet. We froze our rear ends as the temperature sank below freezing. We woke up to ice on the tent and around the edge of the lake. The girls kept warm, though, and they had a blast.

Madeline looks for frogs with Tam Arthur Ridge in the background

Too cute for words...

Madeline shows her moves on the log.

Freezin' by the fire.

The whack jobs and their fort.

Labor Day Camping Trip (Part 2)

We hiked to a beautiful lake at the base of Tam Arthur Rim. The girls enjoyed playing with a slingshot (nicknamed the "beanie flipper"). Later we spent about an hour just throwing and tossing rocks into the lake. Ella yelled at us, everytime she threw a rock, "Hey, guys! Look at THIS one!" They both had a blast.

Madeline finishes her shot...she shoots 'em pretty far!

Ella is getting the basics and looks great!


Family snapshot.

Stray Cat Family

We had a momma kitty and her kittens move in under our deck in the backyard. We are "fostering" the kittens until the local shelter (a "no-kill" shelter) has room to take them. We are going to continue to support the teen mother and keep her as an outdoor kitty. She is really sweet and "thanks" us by rubbing on our legs every time we feed her.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Maddie's First Day of School

Maddie took the summer off from school and Mom took the summer off from blogging...but now we're back! Today is Madeline's first day of school, Second Grade. We met her new teacher, Mrs. Heley, yesterday when we went into school to find her new desk and cubby and put her supplies away. Here she is waiting at the bus stop this morning, excited and ready to go!