Saturday, July 29, 2006

Madeline Reads to Ella

We just got back from picking blueberries in Corvallis. Ella ate her way through the rows, and managed to put about 5 in her bucket, only to eat them before we got back to the car. When we got back home, Madeline asked to read Ella her books before naptime. Before we knew it, Madeline came out of Ella's room and said she was in her crib, ready for her nap and wanting a kiss from Mom & Dad. We were dumbfounded! WOW!!!


Rich Gordon said...

Those pix are too cute! I like the story about Ella eating the blueberries, and then asking Madeline to read to her.

We're getting heat in the Twin Cities, too! Supposed to be 100 (without the heat index) on Sunday and Monday!
