Saturday, July 29, 2006

Madeline Reads to Ella

We just got back from picking blueberries in Corvallis. Ella ate her way through the rows, and managed to put about 5 in her bucket, only to eat them before we got back to the car. When we got back home, Madeline asked to read Ella her books before naptime. Before we knew it, Madeline came out of Ella's room and said she was in her crib, ready for her nap and wanting a kiss from Mom & Dad. We were dumbfounded! WOW!!!

Otter Pops!

It has been in the high 90s and low 100s for some time now! We've been keeeping our cool with fans and Otter Pop popsicles. Last weekend it was supposed to be 106, so we skipped town and visited Grandma & Grandpa Francis on the coast. It was at least 25 - 30 degrees cooler there, thank goodness. We had a great visit, but forgot our camera. Ooops!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Matchin' jammies!

A recent picture of the girls, who are growing WAY too fast. Ella is talking even more now. Her favorite game is QUESTION. She says: "Mama, I have a question for you". I say: "What's your question, Ella?" She says: "Flower". It goes ON and ON with all these 1 word "questions". Finally she'll say: "Now you do me, Mama". And then I have to ask her all the "questions". It's too cute! Madeline is doing a great job in the Ocean room (the Kindegarten room). She is getting to do all of the big-kid activities and she loves it.

Bye for now. We love you all! I'll post some 4th of July pics tomorrow...

Relay for Life: American Cancer Society

Madeline and I did the Relay for life in June. We were at the West Albany High School track overnight, walking and raising money for the fight against cancer. We walked in honor of our family friend, Marlyn Traff. The whole track was lit with the luminary bags, it was really emotional to read the messages while we walked. Madeline did a great job walking and had a blast sleeping in her "Hello Kitty" tent. Overall the event raised $70,000.