Friday, October 24, 2008

Ziplining in Hawaii

When I was in Kauai, HI this past August I went ziplining and had an absolute blast. The "course" consisted of 7 or 8 lines that you strap into for an amazing ride. The footage bounces around a bit, but you get the idea of what it's like. In this one you can see my shadow as it crosses over a river down kind of gives you of perspective of how high I was. I highly recommend ziplining if you ever have a chance!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Taking Grammy Back to the Train Station

It was harder than usual to say good-bye to Grammy this time! We miss you and we're so glad you were able to come visit us!!

Grammy's Visit!

Grammy arrives at the train station. Ella couldn't make the drive up to Portland because she had the tummy flu. :-(

Ella was still feeling a bit blue when we visited the pumpkin patch to get some pumpkins with Grammy.

Picking out some "baby pumpkins". They actually have names!

They both got to drive the tractor! Hey, Grandpa, our tractor is bigger than yours!!

Conquering the hay bales.

Waiting for our tractor ride.

A September Wedding

Everyone was dressed up so we took a few pics!

Me, Madeline and Mandy

Ella was not afraid of the all!

Crazy dancer!

Another crazy dancer!