Sunday, May 18, 2008

Joined at the Cranium...

Just a goofy picture.

Slumber Party!

Last night Madeline's friend Audrey slept over. They included Ella in their activities for the most part, which was nice! Here they are in the "SCOOBY-DOO MOVIE PIT". They watched 2 Scooby-Doo movies in a row. Ella fell asleep first and I carried her off to bed. Then Madeline and Audrey fought off sleep as hard as they could...they made it to 10:30.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Our Refrigerator...

I was talking on the phone tonight, looked over at the fridge and just started laughing. I imagine things only get worse from here...

Sunny Sunday at Chip Ross Park

We took some time to enjoy the beautiful weather we're having and "hiked" up to Chip Ross Park in Corvallis. When you get to the top you can see over the whole city of Corvallis. We had a little picnic when we got to the top and Madeline got a little tree climbing in!